


こんにちは。お元気ですか? 8月の雨はなかなかでした。こちらは、たぶん10日くらい降り続いて、家の前は水たまりだらけ、おうちはあちこちカビだらけでたいへんでした。久々に青空が見えたときはとてもうれしかったです。

Late summer greeting 2021

Hi, friends. How have you been? It had been raining so long this month here. I hadn't seen blue sky for about ten days. Meanwhile, I also hear heavy rain or serious heat wave had hit on some other areas on this planet. How's your place? I hope you are all doing well.

One day in those rainy days, I stopped by a larger library for refreshing. The number of visitors seemed more than usual, and I thought they might think similar things with me; the library is the best place to walk around on a rainy day.